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Prototype: Sid The Seed

This is prototype for my exam in 2020. It started out with me testing out some movement mechanics in UE4 and evolved into a whole game concept. My goal was to have a vertical slice at the end of the year where I tied a story, an engaging gameplay and some interesting mechanics together. 

Plot recap: Sid have a dream to find the perfect place to grow into a big tree. On his journey he comes over a once enchanting village that has been taken over by poisonous mushrooms. Slowly it rots and dies due to the contamination and Sid find himself wanting to help the villagers and restore it's peace. He will come to learn that peace demands a big sacrifice...

Level design: vehicle game

Using the vehicle game template in UE4, our exam in level design 2020 was to recreate the level with a whole new design concept. Being that the original template was located in a desert, I wanted to give it new life with a poppin' color palette by using cyberpunk inspired assets. My design goal was to make an environment that felt like a cramped and cluttered downtown area in a futuristic city.


The end result didn't end up as detailed and cluttered as I originally had planned, but the overall look and feel got pretty close. This also gave me experience with the splines tool in UE4 and some new insight in how to make a detailed level design document that covers the why, what and where of every design choice.

Prototype: Horror 

Testing out lights and sound design in this horror prototype i made earlier this semester. The plan is to itterate further to overcome my fear of horror games hehe... At least I can have the joy of scaring myself whilst making them! This is also made in UE4 since I this semester decided to get to know the engine better now that I've worked with Unity the first two semesters. 

UI: Mobile game


I love working with UI and visuals, so for this project this has been my main role together with developing the story and concept. This project is still an ongoing exam and will be released on Google Play in the beginning of May 2021. 

Our game is highly inspired by a 1920's kind of art style that we first experienced in Cuphead. The player is a mouse who is a highly successful chef and restaurant owner, but the Cat Mafia who wants to use his restaurant to white washing money, kidnapped his son for blackmailing when he refuses. The player must therefore help the mouse chef find his beloved son in a city that crawls with filthy cats who will try to chase and kill him. A fast paced and sometimes stressful gameplay meets the player who wants to take on this challenge!



This group project was very exciting since it was my very first! We landed on a space themed game with a slightly Risk-Monopol crossover and went all out with this one. It took hours upon hours  to balance it and shape the gameplay so that it would be engaging and fun, but I'm looking back at something I'm really proud of. I also stood for all the graphic design, which helped me take the dust of my skills in several Adobe programs. 


Yuutsu is a project I started working with at my first semester. It focus on exploring feelings and thoughts through a melancholic narrative with a rather lonely setting. You play as the character AI who stumbles upon a broken droid. With his skills he repairs it, but it lacks purpose in life. This is when he realises that he and the droid are much alike and together they step into the world to fight their inner struggles and chase after their dreams instead.  

After getting people's interest in this game, I created North Studio where we now are a team of four that have a big passion to make this game next to our study. We were lucky enough to have two sound designers to make a unique soundtrack for us that fits the mood of the game perfectly. We also signed up for Norwegian Game Awards in March 2020, but due to COVID-19 it got canceled and the project got put on hold. We are finally getting back together and are keeping the concept, but we want to try a new direction when it comes to the visual design. Stay tuned!

Original soundtrack

Testing game mechanics / Original soundtrack

3D platformer


This was my second group project where our task was to make a 3D platformer. I got my first producer role, which was a great experience.  We made one level each and mine was level two: Adomar Village. This level was all about avoiding patrolling AI by using the rooftops to sneak around. I enjoyed myself a lot designing it using the Polygon Knight Pack. I also made all the UI for this game and implemented the dialogue system, cutscenes, checkpoints and more.


Quick walkthrough of  the game


2020's jam theme was Repair. After fiddling around with some thoughts, I pitched the idea to other participants and we ended up being the biggest team in Oslo and created Memento. This was an exciting experience as I got to test the producer role on a different scale. I also did the level design and some graphics for this game, but it all came together by this beautiful and hardworking team!

Memento is a game about fixing a broken mind. Play as both sides of the brain, the logical and the creative. Each side represents and understands things and puzzles completely different. The logical side is, well, logical! Numbers and logic is an easy task, while the more creative complexes can be hard. The creative side on the other hand is very well versed in all the creative arts. Colors and music is a breeze! Find the memories of the character you are playing as, and find out why you are here in the first place. Repair the mind, work together as both the logical and the creative arts to solve puzzles in Memento.

Stay tuned for more uploads!

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